Published 20 Jan 2022
Just Laid Off? Here's How To Bounce Back Stronger Than Ever
Four practical tips to help you navigate a layoff and come out the other side a level ahead.
Jason Boustany
Co-Founder, Squadron

If you were part of the recent rounds of layoffs, we want you to know that you’re not alone - options are plentiful and you are going to be fine. 

With major layoffs announced from heavy-hitting tech companies like Klarna and Netflix, many of you might be questioning how secure your job at a ‘reputable’ firm actually is. Or, you’ve found yourself in the unfortunate position of being let go and are now scrambling to figure out next steps. In any case, sh*t happens and we’re here to help you level-up. 

Whether you knew it was coming or not, the unscheduled meeting with the Head of HR is no easy feat. Despite not knowing your next move, don’t let this perceived setback be mistaken for opportunity. We’ve pierced together 4 tips to help you emerge stronger.


As the seasoned go-getters we all are, your first reaction will most likely be to get back on the horse and start looking for new work. While it’s important to be proactive, you’re probably feeling a lot of emotions right now and no one makes good decisions when feeling angry or scared. 

So let’s start by taking a deep breath. Allow the dust to settle and make time to pause, reconnect and find perspective. Be quick to recognize your emotions and reflect on them. Journaling and meditation are both great practices to help you shut out the noise and find clarity. 


Getting laid off can be a massive shock to the system so once you are in a better place emotionally, it is time to look inwards and focus on yourself. Start by assessing your financial situation and better understanding your personal runway. It is vital to look at your savings, forecasting necessary expenses and putting together a detailed budget which maps out how long you can survive without an incoming paycheck. There is no need for radical lifestyle changes however good money management habits are great lifelong level-up practices. Apps such as Monefy and Pocketbook will help make it easy and bring out the Warren Buffet in you! 

If you are in the camp wanting a career change or looking to enter into a new industry, this could be the perfect opportunity to do so. Sit down and have a think about your transferable skills and whether there are any additional courses you can take during this added period of downtime to help reinvent yourself, now is the time.


Begin reaching out to your network and confide in trusted friends and family. It is often a surprise how expansive our relationships can be and from where the next opportunity will arise. We encourage you to think outside the box and to not approach this in an overly formal manner. 

Share your story on TikTok. Beef up your LinkedIn presence. Become a regular on Discord. Join a Twitter Space. The opportunities to meet new people are endless! Leverage social media to market yourself. 

Never discount the power of community. Day by day, we are witnessing online networks being formed for like-minded individuals to collaborate and support each other through both the highs and lows. 

Join the Squadron community to connect, freely bounce around ideas and make lifelong supportive friends.


Most importantly, don’t forget your prior employer has just given you the greatest gift of all… time. Dedicate a set amount of time every day to research your next career move but also pursue hobbies and interests. It may be going on that holiday you always dreamt of, painting or learning how to play an instrument. Whatever it may be, do things that bring you joy. 

It may be that a break from the traditional nine-to-five construct is what you need. As Albert Einstein said, “All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.”

The good news is that if you are seeking flexibility, friendship and purpose you’re in good hands at Squadron!

Jason Boustany
Co-Founder, Squadron
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